We are committed to providing affordable, sustainable solutions which bring broad-based benefit. We bring our pure research to life with real-time tools for producers and the services that support them.
Our epidemiologists work closely with specialists from industry, academia and government. We also have in-house expertise in international development, sociology and information technology.
Our staff are trained specialists with strong scientific backgrounds and years of field experience. We use our passion and creativity to produce work that surpasses expectations.
EpiMundi is an independent, private epidemiology research and consulting company based in Lyon, France.
We provide customised services to clients ranging from government agencies, private industry, producer representative bodies, universities, international agencies and development organisations around the world.
The team are specialists in epidemiology, surveillance, data management and analyses, as well as real-time disease modelling.
We develop user-friendly tools which assist in surveillance, early warning, and the management of risks.
Our unique experience in Compartmentalisation and Freedom from Disease methodologies make us useful partners for animal production industries.
In response to the growing challenges facing the planet, we are driven to make a significant positive impact on the health and welfare of animals and humans throughout the world by providing pragmatic, people-centred and evidence-based expertise in epidemiology.
We are committed to providing affordable, sustainable solutions which bring broad-based benefit.
Our innovative people-centred approach improves the lives of millions of people and animals all over the world.
We combine practice and theory to provide innovative, affordable and fit-for-purpose solutions.
Our research often gives us the opportunity to produce tools and apps which have broad applicability and provide meaningful results for decision making
EpiMundi improves the health and well-being of animals, people and plants by finding patterns of diseases in populations and their contexts to understand their causes and to improve their control.
© 2024 Epimundi SAS — Siège Social: 46 Boulevard de la Croix Rousse, 69001 Lyon, France
Capital social €10 000 — RCS: 848 821 062 Lyon — SIRET: 848 821 062 00017 — APE: 7490B — TVA: FR89848821062
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