
Data-driven control and prioritisation of endemic diseases

DECIDE: Data-driven control and prioritisation of non-EU-regulated contagious animal diseases

Ongoing project (2021-2026)


Farmers, veterinarians and other animal health managers in the livestock and aquaculture sectors are currently missing information on the prevalence and burden of contagious animal diseases that are not regulated by the European Union. The diseases are estimated to cause 10-15% reduction in performance efficiency of livestock farming, resulting in large financial losses and lower sustainability as well as affect animal welfare.

Project description

EpiMundi (ex Ausvet Europe) is an active member of DECIDE, a five-year Horizon 2020 project, aiming to develop data-driven decision support tools that offer robust and early signals of disease emergence and options for diagnostic confirmation. This partnership garners expertise in veterinary epidemiology and diagnostics, data science, mechanistic and predictive modelling, economics, animal welfare and social sciences. The multidisciplinary consortium brings together 19 partners from 11 European countries, and can count on ample access to data from national animal health agencies, providers of veterinary services or farm equipment suppliers.

EpiMundi is involved in many of the work packages but is in particular the co-leader of the WP1 “Data identification, characterization and acquisition”. The main objective of this work package is to explore the different approaches for data access and data usage to support animal health by harvesting the currently underused potential that lies in a clever combination of existing and new data and data streams. To know more about this project:

Main outcomes