

Survey Toolbox for Livestock Diseases

 This book deals with a series of techniques for the collection of animal health information in developing countries.

Cameron, A.R., Survey toolbox for livestock diseases: a practical manual and software package for active surveillance in developing countries.  ACIAR, Canberra, Australia: 1999. (Translated in whole or part into 5 languages)

Aquatic animal disease survey methodologies

The tools presented in this book will be valuable for anybody who needs to collect reliable information about aquatic diseases or production. The structure of the book allows it to be used on three different levels – for planners, trainers and field operational staff. The language used is designed to be easily understandable by people speaking English as a second language.

Cameron, A.R., Survey toolbox for aquatic animal diseases: a practical manual and software package.  Australian ACIAR, Canberra, Australia: 2002.

Risk-based disease surveillance

A manual for veterinarians on the design and analysis of surveillance for demonstration of freedom from disease.


Cameron, AR, Risk-based surveillance – a manual for veterinarians. FAO (2009)

Basic disease surveillance manual


Angus Cameron (2012) Manual of Basic Animal Disease Surveillance. African Union−Inter African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR), Nairobi Kenya.

Scenario tree modelling for freedom from disease

The methodologies behind the analysis of complex surveillance systems using stochastic scenario tree modelling.  These comprehensive notes explain in depth the methodologies involved.

White Papers

Compartmentalisation, biosecurity and the challenges of maintaining continuity in animal production in the face of African Swine Fever

The global ASF pandemic is severe, widespread and presents an ongoing risk to many ASF-free countries with important pig production industries. The consequences of an outbreak to individual companies are considerable. National governments are planning for outbreaks using traditional disease control and eradication approaches. These focus on movement restrictions, culling, disposal and decontamination, surveillance and zoning. During the potentially lengthy process of eradication and regaining national free status, private pork-producing companies are likely to suffer major challenges to business continuity.

This business vulnerability can be addressed in part by establishing a compartment in advance of an outbreak. Compartmentalisation is not the only tool that should be pursued, however for suitable pork producers compartmentalisation can enable trade and pig movements even in the face of an outbreak of ASF. It can assist both exporting and domestically trading companies. Creating an ASF-free compartment can take time, is complex, and requires cooperation from the national veterinary authority and trading partners. It generally also requires inputs from several areas of external expertise. The successful implementation of a compartment is supported by international standards and has potential to address business continuity risks for some producers. For larger pork production companies, company boards and managers should be carefully considering compartmentalisation as one of several key risk mitigation
strategies for ASF.
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Conference posters

Scientific articles

Fanelli, A., Baron, J., Comin, A., Faverjon, C., Feliziani, F., Guelbenzu-Gonzalo, M., Hodnik, J., Iscaro, C., Knific, T., Meletis, E., Mincu, M., Righi, C., Thomas, R., Tamba, M., Frössling, J., & Schaik, G. V. (2024). Using scenario tree modelling to evaluate the probability of freedom from Enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL) in Italy and Slovenia. Veterinaria Italiana, 60(1).
Meletis, E., Conrady, B., Hopp, P., Lurier, T., Frössling, J., Rosendal, T., Faverjon, C., Carmo, L. P., Hodnik, J. J., Ózsvári, L., Kostoulas, P., van Schaik, G., Comin, A., Nielen, M., Knific, T., Schulz, J., Šerić-Haračić, S., Fourichon, C., Santman-Berends, I., & Madouasse, A. (2024). Review state-of-the-art of output-based methodological approaches for substantiating freedom from infection. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 11.
Chapot, L., Hibbard, R., Ariyanto, K. B., Maulana, K. Y., Yusuf, H., Febriyani, W., Cameron, A., Paul, M., Vergne, T., & Faverjon, C. (2024). Needs and capabilities for improving poultry production and health management in Indonesia. PLOS ONE, 19(8), e0308379.
Chapot, L., Hibbard, R., Ariyanto, K. B., Maulana, K. Y., Yusuf, H., Febriyani, W., Cameron, A., Paul, M., Faverjon, C., & Vergne, T. (2023). A qualitative analysis of health information-sharing networks in the Indonesian poultry sector. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 219, 106003.
Hibbard, R., Chapot, L., Yusuf, H., Ariyanto, K. B., Maulana, K. Y., Febriyani, W., Cameron, A., Vergne, T., Faverjon, C., & Paul, M. C. (2023). “It’s a habit. They’ve been doing it for decades and they feel good and safe.”: A qualitative study of barriers and opportunities to changing antimicrobial use in the Indonesian poultry sector. PLOS ONE, 18(9), e0291556.
van Schaik, G., Hostens, M., Faverjon, C., & Jensen, D. B. (2023). The DECIDE project: from surveillance data to decision-support for farmers and veterinarians. Open Research Europe, 3:82.
Bannister-Tyrrell, M., Hillman, A., Indriani, C., Ahmad, R. A., Utarini, A., Simmons, C. P., Anders, K. L., & Sargeant, E. (2023). Utility of surveillance data for planning for dengue elimination in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: a scenario tree modelling approach. MedRxiv, 2023.03. 14.23287232.
Hillman, A., Swafford, B., Delavenne, C., Fieten, H., Boerkamp, K., & Tietje, K. (2023). Descriptive analysis of haemangiosarcoma occurrence in dogs enrolled in the G olden R etriever lifetime study. Veterinary and Comparative Oncology.
Oberin, M., Badger, S., Faverjon, C., Cameron, A., & Bannister-Tyrrell, M. (2022). Electronic information systems for One Health surveillance of antimicrobial resistance: a systematic scoping review. BMJ Global Health, 7(1), e007388.
Oberin, M., Badger, S., Faverjon, C., Cameron, A., & Bannister-Tyrrell, M. (2022). Electronic information systems for One Health surveillance of antimicrobial resistance: a systematic scoping review. BMJ Global Health, 7(1), e007388.
Gargallo, G., Davies, J. g., Faverjon, C., Kampichler, C., Baillie, S. r., Cameron, A., Robinson, R. a., & Sierdsema, H. (2022). Development of a prototype early warning system for avian influenza in the EU based on risk-mapping. EFSA Supporting Publications, 19(12), 7762E.
Hodnik, J. J., Acinger-Rogić, Ž., Alishani, M., Autio, T., Balseiro, A., Berezowski, J., Carmo, L. P., Chaligiannis, I., Conrady, B., Costa, L., Cvetkovikj, I., Davidov, I., Dispas, M., Djadjovski, I., Duarte, E. L., Faverjon, C., Fourichon, C., Frössling, J., Gerilovych, A., … Santman-Berends, I. M. G. A. (2021). Overview of Cattle Diseases Listed Under Category C, D or E in the Animal Health Law for Which Control Programmes Are in Place Within Europe. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8, 688078.
Rapaliute, E., van Roon, A., van Schaik, G., Santman-Berends, I., Koleci, X., Mincu, M., Gethmann, J., Conrady, B., Knific, T., Hodnik, J. J., Berezowski, J., Carmo, L. P., Madouasse, A., Tarpai, A., Gerilovych, A., Malakauskas, A., Sekovska, B., Fourichon, C., Kalaitzakis, E., … Faverjon, C. (2021). Existence and Quality of Data on Control Programs for EU Non-regulated Cattle Diseases: Consequences for Estimation and Comparison of the Probability of Freedom From Infection. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8.
Meyer, A., Sadler, R., Bannister-Tyrrell, M., Gallardo Lagno, A. L., Stegeman, A., & Cameron, A. (2021). Is between-farm water-borne pathogen dissemination an important driver in the epidemiology of salmonid rickettsial septicaemia in Chile? Aquaculture, 530, 735751.
Meyer, A., Faverjon, C., Hostens, M., Stegeman, A., & Cameron, A. (2021). Systematic review of the status of veterinary epidemiological research in two species regarding the FAIR guiding principles. BMC Veterinary Research, 17(1), 270.
Zalcman, E., Burroughs, A., Meyer, A., Mackenzie, C., Sadler, R., Stevenson, M., Ward, M., Gallardo Lagno, A., Happold, J., Cameron, A., & Cowled, B. (2021). Sea lice infestation of salmonids in Chile between 2011 and 2017: Use of regulatory data to describe characteristics and identify risk factors. Aquaculture, 530, 735752.
van Roon, A. M., Rapaliute, E., Koleci, X., Muñoz, V., Mercat, M., Faverjon, C., Santman-Berends, I. M. G. A., Nielen, M., More, S. J., Graham, D., Guelbenzu-Gonzalo, M., Madouasse, A., Fourichon, C., & van Schaik, G. (2021). Key Learnings During the Development of a Generic Data Collection Tool to Support Assessment of Freedom of Infection in Cattle Herds. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8, 656336.
Meyer, A., Bannister-Tyrrell, M., Mackenzie, C., Stegeman, A., & Cameron, A. (2020). Barriers to the adoption of a fish health data integration initiative in the Chilean salmonid production. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 179, 105853.
Faverjon, C., Meyer, A., Howden, K., Long, K., Peters, L., & Cameron, A. (2020). Risk-based early detection system of African Swine Fever using mortality thresholds. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, n/a(n/a).
Cameron, A. R., Meyer, A., Faverjon, C., & Mackenzie, C. (2020). Quantification of the sensitivity of early detection surveillance. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, tbed.13598.
O’Reilly, K. M., Grassly, N. C., Allen, D. J., Bannister-Tyrrell, M., Cameron, A., Martin, A. I. C., Ramsay, M., Pebody, R., & Zambon, M. (2020). Surveillance Optimization to Detect Poliovirus in the Pre-Eradication Era: a Modelling Study of England and Wales. Epidemiology & Infection, 1–28.
Happold, J., Meyer, A., Sadler, R., Cowled, B., Mackenzie, C., Gallardo Lagno, A., & Cameron, A. (2020). Effectiveness of antimicrobial treatment of salmonid rickettsial septicaemia in commercial salmon and trout farms in Chile. Aquaculture, 525, 735323.
Hillman, A., Zalcman, E., Burroughs, A., Meyer, A., Mackenzie, C., Sadler, R., Stevenson, M., Ward, M., Gallardo Lagno, A., Happold, J., Cameron, A., & Cowled, B. (2020). Use of regulatory data to describe and identify risk factors for salmonid rickettsial septicaemia in Chile, 2011–2017. Aquaculture, 526, 735324.
Hillman, A., Zalcman, E., Burroughs, A., Meyer, A., Mackenzie, C., Sadler, R., Stevenson, M., Ward, M., Gallardo Lagno, A., Happold, J., Cameron, A., & Cowled, B. (2020). Use of regulatory data to describe and identify risk factors for salmonid rickettsial septicaemia in Chile, 2011–2017. Aquaculture, 526, 735324.
Happold, J., Sadler, R., Meyer, A., Cowled, B., Mackenzie, C., Gallardo Lagno, A., & Cameron, A. (2020). Effectiveness of vaccination for the control of salmonid rickettsial septicaemia in commercial salmon and trout farms in Chile. Aquaculture, 520, 734968.
Meyer, A., Sadler, R., Faverjon, C., Cameron, A. R., & Bannister-Tyrrell, M. (2020). Evidence That Higher Temperatures Are Associated With a Marginally Lower Incidence of COVID-19 Cases. Frontiers in Public Health, 8.
Peyre, M., Hoinville, L., Njoroge, J., Cameron, A., Traon, D., Goutard, F., Calba, C., Grosbois, V., Delabouglise, A., Varant, V., Drewe, J., Pfeiffer, D., & Häsler, B. (2019). The RISKSUR EVA tool (Survtool): A tool for the integrated evaluation of animal health surveillance systems. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 173, 104777.
Cameron, A. R. (2019). Strategies for the Global Eradication of Peste des Petits Ruminants: An Argument for the Use of Guerrilla Rather Than Trench Warfare. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 6, 331.
Meyer, A., Burroughs, A., Sadler, R., Happold, J., Cowled, B., Mackenzie, C., Gallardo Lagno, A. L., & Cameron, A. (2019). Quantifying the effects of sea lice burden and lice bathing treatments on salmonid rickettsial septicaemia in commercial salmon and trout farms in Chile. Aquaculture, 513, 734411.
Hutchison, J., Mackenzie, C., Madin, B., Happold, J., Leslie, E., Zalcman, E., Meyer, A., & Cameron, A. (2018). New approaches to aquatic and terrestrial animal surveillance: The potential for people and technology to transform epidemiology. Preventive Veterinary Medicine.
Downs, S. H., More, S. J., Goodchild, A. V., Whelan, A. O., Abernethy, D. A., Broughan, J. M., Cameron, A., Cook, A. J., de la Rua-Domenech, R. R., & Greiner, M. (2018). Evaluation of the methodological quality of studies of the performance of diagnostic tests for bovine tuberculosis using QUADAS. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 153, 108–116.
Downs, S. H., Parry, J. E., Upton, P. A., Broughan, J. M., Goodchild, A. V., Nunez-Garcia, J., Greiner, M., Abernethy, D. A., Cameron, A. R., & Cook, A. J. (2018). Methodology and preliminary results of a systematic literature review of ante-mortem and post-mortem diagnostic tests for bovine tuberculosis. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 153, 117–126.
Nunez-Garcia, J., Downs, S. H., Parry, J. E., Abernethy, D. A., Broughan, J. M., Cameron, A. R., Cook, A. J., de la Rua-Domenech, R., Goodchild, A. V., & Gunn, J. (2018). Meta-analyses of the sensitivity and specificity of ante-mortem and post-mortem diagnostic tests for bovine tuberculosis in the UK and Ireland. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 153, 94–107.
Mons, B., Neylon, C., Velterop, J., Dumontier, M., da Silva Santos, L. O. B., & Wilkinson, M. D. (2017). Cloudy, increasingly FAIR; revisiting the FAIR Data guiding principles for the European Open Science Cloud. Information Services & Use, 37(1), 49–56.
Stresman, G., Cameron, A., & Drakeley, C. (2017). Freedom from Infection: Confirming Interruption of Malaria Transmission. Trends in Parasitology, 33(5), 345–352.
More, S. J., Cameron, A. R., Strain, S., Cashman, W., Ezanno, P., Kenny, K., Fourichon, C., & Graham, D. (2015). Evaluation of testing strategies to identify infected animals at a single round of testing within dairy herds known to be infected with Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis. Journal of Dairy Science, 98(8), 5194–5210.
Vergne, T., Vilas, V. J. D. R., Cameron, A., Dufour, B., & Grosbois, V. (2015). Capture–recapture approaches and the surveillance of livestock diseases: A review. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 120(3–4), 253–264.
Sergeant, E. S. G., & Perkins, N. R. (2015). Epidemiology for Field Veterinarians. CABI.
Morgan, K., Cameron, A., & Gustafson, L. (2015). Making surveillance happen: a practical approach to determining disease status and freedom from farm to country. Journal of Applied Aquaculture, 27(3), 263–278.
Fournié, G., Jones, B. A., Beauvais, W., Lubroth, J., Njeumi, F., Cameron, A., & Pfeiffer, D. U. (2014). The risk of rinderpest re-introduction in post-eradication era. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 113(2), 175–184.
Oidtmann, B. C., Peeler, E. J., Thrush, M. A., Cameron, A. R., Reese, R. A., Pearce, F. M., Dunn, P., Lyngstad, T. M., Tavornpanich, S., & Brun, E. (2014). Expert consultation on risk factors for introduction of infectious pathogens into fish farms. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 115(3–4), 238–254.
Cameron, A., Mariner, J., Paisley, L., Parmley, J., Roger, F., Scott, A., Willeberg, P., & Wolhuter, M. (2014). Guide to terrestrial animal health surveillance (1st ed.). World Organisation for Animal Health.
Cameron, A. R., Njeumi, F., Chibeu, D. M., & Martin, P. A. J. (2014). Risk-based disease surveillance: A manual for veterinarians on the design and analysis of surveillance for demonstration of freedom from disease. FAO.
Cameron, A. R. (2013). Manual of Basic Animal Disease Surveillance. African Union - Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources.
Frössling, J., Wahlström, H., Ågren, E. C. C., Cameron, A., Lindberg, A., & Sternberg Lewerin, S. (2013). Surveillance system sensitivities and probability of freedom from Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection in Swedish cattle. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 108(1), 47–62.
Fournié, G., Beauvais, W., Jones, B. A., Lubroth, J., Ambrosini, F., Njeumi, F., Cameron, A., & Pfeiffer, D. U. (2013). Rinderpest virus sequestration and use in posteradication era. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 19(1), 151.
Cameron, A. R. (2012). The consequences of risk-based surveillance: Developing output-based standards for surveillance to demonstrate freedom from disease. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 105(4), 280–286.
Goutard, F. L., Paul, M., Tavornpanich, S., Houisse, I., Chanachai, K., Thanapongtharm, W., Cameron, A., Stärk, K. D. C., & Roger, F. (2012). Optimizing early detection of avian influenza H5N1 in backyard and free-range poultry production systems in Thailand. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 105(3), 223–234.
Anderson, J., Baron, M., Cameron, A., Kock, R., Jones, B., Pfeiffer, D., Mariner, J., McKeever, D., Oura, C., Roeder, P., Rossiter, P., & Taylor, W. (2011). Rinderpest eradicated; what next? Veterinary Record, 169(1), 10–11.
Downs, S. H., Parry, J., Nunez-Garcia, J., Abernethy, D. A., Broughan, J. M., Cameron, A. R., Cook, A. J., de la Rua Domensch, R., Goodchild, A. V., & Greiner, M. (2011). Meta-analysis of diagnostic test performance and modelling of testing strategies for control of bovine tuberculosis in GB. Proceedings of the Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, 139, 153.