Lorraine Chapot

Lorraine Chapot

Lorraine is an early-career French veterinary epidemiologist and Ph.D. candidate with a strong interest in interdisciplinary research and collaborative approaches to animal health management. 

Lorraine graduated from the Veterinary School of Lyon and obtained a MSc in One Health from the Royal Veterinary College in London in 2019. As part of her MSc project, she worked with the ILRI on the Metropolitan Mosquito project in Vietnam where she conducted Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices studies on vector-borne diseases and explored the risk associated with urban livestock keeping. 

She then joined the One Health Poultry Hub where she collaborated in the development and coordination of socio-epidemiological studies to assess and mitigate the risk of zoonotic poultry diseases in South-East Asia. While maintaining her involvement in this project, she moved to the Centre for Applied Research and Policy Advice at City University of Hong Kong in 2021, where she contributed to teaching and workshops for veterinary students and animal health stakeholders. 

In 2022, Lorraine returned to Europe to start a Ph.D. at Ausvet Europe within the TRANSFORM Project, focusing on the development of decision-support data tools to improve the management of poultry health in Vietnam and Indonesia. She was involved in different aspects of the project, including the design and implementation of needs and capabilities studies, field data collection and qualitative analysis. This provided many opportunities to develop her skills and collaborate with a diversity of stakeholders from the private sector, governments, and academia, which confirmed her enthusiasm for transdisciplinary and applied research. 

Lorraine joined Ausvet Europe in March 2022.

Lorraine loves reading, cooking and yoga

Specialty areas

  • Interdisciplinary approaches
  • Qualitative analysis
  • Data analysis and management
  • Public-private partnership and communication


  • Development of a qualitative risk assessment framework for human exposure to environmental AMR microorganisms (2023). Project funded by the UK Environmental Agency. Qualitative approaches for combining risk estimates and assessing uncertainty.Transformational Strategies for Farm Output Risk Mitigation (TRANSFORM) (2021 – 2023). Research project funded by USAID. 
  • Development of a data-driven decision-support tool for poultry health management; Field data collection and analysis for needs and capabilities assessment. 
  • Development of a workshop on Value Chain Analysis for Animal Disease Risk Assessment (2021). Project funded by the FAO. Development of training materials and supporting documents. 
  • One Health Poultry Hub (2019 – 2024). Research project funded by UKRI through the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF). Coordination of value chain studies and field data management.


Click here to view a full list of publications
Chapot, L., Hibbard, R., Ariyanto, K. B., Maulana, K. Y., Yusuf, H., Febriyani, W., Cameron, A., Paul, M., Faverjon, C., & Vergne, T. (2023). A qualitative analysis of health information-sharing networks in the Indonesian poultry sector. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 219, 106003. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prevetmed.2023.106003
Hibbard, R., Chapot, L., Yusuf, H., Ariyanto, K. B., Maulana, K. Y., Febriyani, W., Cameron, A., Vergne, T., Faverjon, C., & Paul, M. C. (2023). “It’s a habit. They’ve been doing it for decades and they feel good and safe.”: A qualitative study of barriers and opportunities to changing antimicrobial use in the Indonesian poultry sector. PLOS ONE, 18(9), e0291556. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0291556
Wispelwey, B., Osuagwu, C., Mills, D., Goronga, T., & Morse, M. (2023). Towards a bidirectional decoloniality in academic global health: insights from settler colonialism and racial capitalism. The Lancet Global Health, 11(9), e1469–e1474. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(23)00307-8